Saturday, November 30, 2019
4 Risks Everyone Should Take in Their 20s and 30s
4 Risks Everyone Should Take in Their 20s and 30s Its pretty common in your 20s and 30s to feel like youre treading water financially dealing with the immediate bills and expenses and not thinking too far beyond the next year or two. But this is the ideal time to think about the financial objectives you want to achieve. The best rewards dont come without risks, and theres no better time to abflug platzsetting goals and taking chances.While youre young, why not invest in your dreams, abflug a business, or travel to places youve always wanted to see? Get yourself in the game and start playing. Here are 4 risks you can take while youre still in your 20s and 30s.1. Start InvestingDo you have some cash set aside for a rainy day? If you do, thats great but is it sitting in a checking or savings account? If you want to be able to retire comfortably someday, you need your money to grow. That typically happens by investing in assets that grow in value or pay interest. Financial experts typi cally recommend that people start investing in their 20s but if youre a little behind schedule, its not too late to catch up and start setting aside funds.If youre living paycheck-to-paycheck and find it hard to save, consider taking a look at your tax deductions. Having more withheld from your paycheck each month could yield a nice refund at the end of the year. Thats another way to build a horst egg and get started.Once youre ready to look at stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other investments, consider putting a portion of your money into a growth portfolio. These funds are higher risk, but also offer higher potential returns. Fortunately, in your 20s and 30s, youre likely decades from retirement and can afford to wait out a holding period of up to 5-10 years. Consider putting some money into stocks for clean tech, marijuana, cryptocurrency, or any other burgeoning industry thats shaking up the worlds financial markets. The eventual reward for such risks can be a sizable payoff.2 . Move to a New CityLife is all about change. It can roll over you, or you can roll with it and reap greater advantages in the process. Are you stagnating in your career? Have you always dreamed of faraway places or a different lifestyle? Nows the time If youre craving a respite from brutal winters or you want new career opportunities, consider moving somewhere with a milder climate and thriving economy. Changing jobs is one of the fastest ways to increase your pay, and living somewhere with a low cost of living makes it a lot easier to save. For instance, you can get a lot of bang for your buck in a city like Atlanta, which not only has pleasant weather, but also a strong job market with good incomes and surprisingly affordable housing. Whatever direction you decide to take to invest in change and improve your life, remember this Change will find you, no matter what. Better to be prepared and make the adjustments happen on your own terms than to be taken unawares.3. Learn New Skill sPeople change careers much more easily and often now than in previous generations. If you dont love what youre doing now, start planning about your next act. Invest in your skills and passions to give yourself a brighter economic and professional future. Whether you sign up for a coding boot camp, master cloud computing, get your real estate license, or pursue an advanced degree, this move might require some sacrifice in the short run, but the rewards can far outweigh the risks.On the other hand, if what you really want is to stop working for someone else altogether, why not leap into the world of entrepreneurship? There are grants and loans for small businesses, and theres a wealth of examples and advice to be found online.Once youve established your business, youll have to actively promote yourself if you want to get on the fast track to bumping up your retirement fund. Be sure to join some local business groups, attend trade shows, and network all you can. Once you get going, yo ull be able to reap the financial rewards that come with owning your own company.4. Redefine SuccessThe FIRE movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early) counsels you to think differently about your money, lifestyle, and goals. By changing your habits and stashing away money now, youll help guarantee that later in life, you wont be chained to a desk but you will have the power to make choices about how you spend your time.This also can mean your life path might not follow conventional norms. Maybe you dont buy a house, live in the burbs, drive an SUV, etc., but instead identify a lifestyle that involves the things most important to you. For instance, traveling the world is a dream many people have but neglect to achieve they get too caught up in the everyday responsibilities of life. But with the right money moves in your 20s and 30s, you can feasibly travel the world now, continue to earn a living, and even save money.To get started, think of the different ways you could transi tion your career to fit your goals. The gig economy is rapidly changing the way people work. Will your employer allow you to work remotely? If not, consider becoming a freelancer. (A significant percentage of your peers 43% of people aged 22-34 currently work as freelancers.) Consider buying a home to use as a vacation rental while youre gone its a great way to set up a second income while you travel and prepare for the future.Whether its traveling or relocating, saving or starting a business, If you get going now, you can better position yourself to achieve all youve ever wanted financially and otherwise.Related Articles Around the Web 7 Risks You Need to Take in Your 20s and 30s Code of Living Aki Merced
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Maintain a Positive Attitude During a Frustrating Job Search
How to Maintain a Positive Attitude During a Frustrating Job SearchHow to Maintain a Positive Attitude During a Frustrating Job SearchRejection letters, applications that took hours to do yielding nothing but deafening silence, waiting (and waiting) for callbacks after interviewsjob searches are filled with plenty of things that can crush ones spirits. While curling up with Netflix and a pint of Ben Jerrys may offer temporary relief, sooner or later youll need to get back in the groove and try to maintain a positive attitude during a frustrating job search.Enthusiastic applicants attract the attention of hiring managers, so do what you can to shake off a negative attitude. These expert suggestions can put you in a better frame of mind.How to Maintain a Positive Attitude During a Frustrating Job SearchConcentrate on what you can do.So much of what goes on with hiring is out of your hands. Instead of feeling that youre at the mercy of employers, look for ways to regain power.Waiting b y the phone for someone to return your call or respond to your email is an emotional disaster waiting to happen, says Henry Goldbeck of Goldbeck Recruiting. The fruchtwein important thing to remember is to focus on those things within your control while job searching.If you focus on your research, applications, follow up, networking, strategy development, etc., you will feel much better about yourself and your job search.Every activity is a win for you and brings you closer to employment- and you control it.Surround yourself with positivity.Got some Debbie Downers in your life? Give yourself permission to avoid them during this trying time.Its never helpful to hear, I sure wouldnt want to be you says Sally Srok, principal of Inner Compass Consulting. Your energy is your most precious commodity. Protect it. She notes that you might even want to create a response to nay-sayers, such as Actually, its an exciting time for me. Who knows whats nextAnd keep those good vibes going every cha nce you get. Put affirmations on post-its placed in the car, on the bathroom mirror. Tell yourself positive things. Literally- say them out loud. It works Srok says.Dont take rejection personally.Yes, this may be easier said than done. Job search rejection hurts. But employers have a variety of reasons for their selections.Some companies post a job that is actually already destined to a specific person who will apply for it internally, and external applicants have little to no chance in such a selection process, says zwischenstaatlich career coach Rebeca Gelencser. Some jobs are simply cancelled for financial reasons and applicants never hear back from the company. I worked as a recruiter and remember very clearly finding a great candidate for a job that was posted on Monday and that was then deleted on Tuesday. It was not easy to explain or to digest.Continued confidence in your own abilities will eventually lead you where you want to be. Continually work to put forth your best sel f through tweaking your resume, developing new skills, and practicing for interviews- with the knowledge that a good match is out there somewhere.Remember the ultimate goal.Finally, keep in mind why you are going through journey. Hang up a picture of that new car you want to trade your clunker in for once you secure a job. Create a Pinterest board filled with images and wordsimagining you dream career.You wont be unemployed forever, Srok says. The right career opportunity will come along, and this will all be behind you. I promise.Continue Your Job Search
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Drones Join the Fight Against Zika
Drones Join the Fight Against Zika Drones Join the Fight Against Zika Drones Join the Fight Against ZikaRobots are usually thought of as a high-tech solution to first-world problems, like building cars, vacuuming floors, or delivering pizzas. But developing countries have, arguably, bigger problems, and it turns out that robots have a place in solving some of them. Take the fight against the Zika virus.WeRobotics, a company based in Switzerland and Delaware, aims to democratize technology and get robots working for those in greatest need. Our goal is to make robotic technologies available to solve social issues in developing countries, says Adam Klaptocz, co-founder of the company.One way they do that is by bringing established technology to where its most needed, and teaching the locals how to use it and maintain it. Its bedrngnis about dropping a Lamborghini in the middle of the jungle, says Klaptocz. WeRobotics has, for example, started drone hubs in under-mapped African cites. Th ere, they teach residents of new and sprawling shanty towns to capture images from above so water and electricity can be brought to each home.At the same time, the company is working to create new technologies to meet specific challenges. The Zika virus is a big one.How do you use a robot to stop a viral epidemic? One way is to go after the insect responsible for spreading it, in this case the mosquito. Rather than use dangerous pesticides, Kaptocz is hoping to decimate the blood-sucking population by introducing hundreds of thousands of sterile individuals. You have to bring in a lot of mosquitoes, he says. You start off with 10 times as many sterile mosquitos as the population.Artists rendering of a small mosquito breeding lab. Image WeRoboticsThe sterile insect technique, as its called, has been used since the 1950s. It hassuccessfully eliminated the screw-worm fly as a problem in the US and helped control tsetse populations in Africa.But where 60 kilograms of flies can be packed into a Cessna and spread over an area like so much pesticide, mosquitos are a far more difficult animal to deal with. As anyone whos smacked one in action knows, theyre easily dispatched. A plane, no matter how small, is too fast for mosquitoes to survive an airdrop. Hence the drones.But slower speeds wont end the difficulties. There are many different challenges with mosquitos, says Klaptocz. They are sensitive and clump into little bunches. Theyre supper skinny things, with long legs and skinny long wings. They latch onto each other and are very difficult to separate. So Klaptocz and his colleagues are looking to create a mechanism for separating mosquitoes, or keeping them separate, and spitting them out one by one. Theyve turned to separating mechanisms found in the food industry.They also use food. Cumin, when damp, resembles a mosquito, according to Klaptocz, and using it solves one problem of experimentation. We cant spread millions of non-native mosquitoes all over Europe, he says. If we introduce such a mosquito here, we are in trouble. For now, Cumin works as a stunt double.At the end of November, Klaptocz and his crew will head to Peru for a field test. How best to disseminate the fragile insects is only one of the problems that theyll have to solve. For example, we need to make sure they stay cold from the time they are sterilized till the time they are released. That might be easy in Europe, but were not sure what the situation might be in the Peruvian Amazon. Do they have refrigeration? Do they have power? What are the logistics? All this stuff you only find out when you go to the field, says Klaptocz.With the right mosquito-releasing mechanismandlogisitics, WeRobotics drone could have a massive impact on world health. For now, the economic space doesnt exist for someone else to work on this problem, says Klaptocz. Its our hope to push it forward and prove you can have a huge impact. Then if the market starts spinning, and it becomes a product y ou can buy, then maybe weve done our job.Michael Abrams is an independent writer. For Further Discussion Our goal is to make robotic technologies available to solve social issues in developing countries.Adam Klaptocz, co-founder, WeRobotics
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
How to be a great leader, according to 7 business and political greats
How to be a great leader, according to 7 business and political greats How to be a great leader, according to 7 business and political greats Think of the best boss youâve ever had - what tactics did she employ to get the team on board with her mission? Studies show the best leaders are emotionally intelligent, innovative, and great communicators. It has also been argued that you canât be a great leader without being a great follower. And, according to Harvard research, the most impactful leaders are exceedingly self-aware.Clearly leading isnât easy, but with the right set of skills, each of us can become someone others look to for guidance. These powerful people have proven they can successfully manage teams, companies, even countries. Here are some of their time-tested tips for being the kind of leader people are inspired to follow.1. Be the kind of person others want to work withâItâs not necessarily how smart [leaders] are, or how charismatic they are, not how hard they work. Itâs whether people want to work with them and for them,â JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon said at an Axios event. Leader s should ask these questions, Dimon advises, to make sure thatâs the case: âDo they share credit? Do they blame other people? When the going gets tough do they become the worst people in the room? Or the best people in the room?â2. Focus on trust over growthMarc Benioff, the founder, chairman and co-CEO of Salesforce, believes that growing a company should never be the top priority: establishing trust with your employees and consumers is more important. âNever put growth before trust. If you put growth above trust, then all of a sudden you create a toxic culture. People donât want to work in that environment or use the product,â he said in an interview with the New York Times. Heâs seen the backlash and consequences of the growth-first mindset. âYou get these campaigns, #deleteuber, #deletefacebook. Itâs a referendum on the culture, not the product,â he explains.3. Ask for feedback and put it in actionAt the Wharton School of Businessâs 2018 People Analytic s Conference, Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, emphasized the importance of asking your staff questions like, âDid you get what you needed from this meeting?â and âWhatâs your opinion?â Leaders continue to improve when they draw on their employeesâ on-the-ground knowledge and experiences, she explained.4. Know why you do the work you doâTo create new businesses and drive growth, you need to have a leader who wakes up wanting to make an impact,â Shantanu Narayan, President and CEO of Adobe, explained to his business school alma mater, Berkeley Haas. For him, that impact means to âempower everyone from emerging artists to global brands - to bring digital creations to life and deliver them to the right person at the right moment.â But whatever your industry or position, to lead effectively, you need to care about what your team is working towards.5. Be a little deafRuth Bader Ginsburg got some great advice from her mother in-law, which she says she has applied t o everything from her marriage to her role on the Supreme Court: it helps to be a little deaf sometimes. âWhen a thoughtless or unkind word is spoken, best tune out. Reacting in anger or annoyance will not advance oneâs ability to persuade,â she wrote in a New York Times opinion piece.6. Keep your meetings to âtwo pizzaâ groupsJeff Bezos, Amazonâs founder and CEO, believes that a meeting should never include more mouths than two pizzas can feed, his biographer Richard Brandt revealed in a Wall Street Journal profile. A good manager should keep teams to that two-pizza size, a piece of advice Bezos put into practice as company policy at Amazon.7. Be persistentBarack Obama taught his daughters that they can change the world - but it wonât happen overnight. âYou have to be persistent. We get disappointed and we get frustrated. I always tell people that my early work as a community organizer in Chicago taught me an incredible amount, but I didnât set the world on f ire,â he said at the 2017 Goalkeepers event. Despite helping build public parks for communities that needed them and setting up a job training program for laid-off workers, there was still more work to do. âThose communities werenât suddenly transformed, they still had huge problems,â Obama noted. âBut I took that experience and then I was able to build on it.âThis article was originally published on Thrive Global.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
What to Do When You Have Multiple Goals - The Muse
What to Do When You Have Multiple Goals - The Muse What to Do When You Have Multiple Goals Do you ever feel like you have a head full of seemingly conflicting goals for your life and career? You definitely arenât alone. You may be wondering if itâs worth taking the time to write everything down in one place. Iâd say so, because putting your goals and dreams into writing can provide a tremendous amount of clarity- especially if you break them up into tangible next steps. But writing it all down, reflecting, and getting organized is only half the battle. So, whatâs the other half? Here are three practical guidelines for making sure your day-to-day life is setting you up to achieve all of your wildest dreams. 1. Look for Logical Overlaps The first way you can cut your list (i.e., achieve more in less time) is to identify relationships between items. Some things will complement one another, and this synergy will allow you to work toward more than one goal at a time. For example, say you want to start a personal blog and become a better writer. If you use your blog as an instrument to advance your writing, then the lunch breaks you spend writing are also advancing your career, because superior communication skills will help you with both your career and personal ambitions. Maybe you want to get your name out there, so you create a personal website. The time you spend on your website could help you achieve tons of other goals, from landing a new job to beefing up your tech skills. Of course, some goals may feel like irreconcilable conflicts (think: traveling the world and living close to your family). In this case, itâs critical to take each dream and ask yourself, âWhy do I want to do this?â Then, write your answer next to each item. By using your values to help articulate your core motivations, your priorities will begin to emerge and your dreams will start to structure themselves. (For example, you may find that itâs an important time for you to be near your family, but in a few months, you would consider a job that includes more travel.) WANT HELP REACHING YOUR GOALS? We know career coaches who do just that! Hire one today 2. Make the Time Much of the panic surrounding what you are (or arenât) achieving is self-inflicted: You tell yourself that there just isnât enough time. Yes, time is limited, but- as counterintuitive as it may seem- the best thing you can do in the face of its finite nature is to start thinking of time as being a plentiful resource and declare it to be something within your control. For starters, replace the phrase âhave timeâ with âmake time.â Saying, âI donât have time to become a doctorâ isnât doing you any favors. Even (the perhaps more accurate) âI donât have time to study for the MCATâ still wonât move you any closer to achieving your goals. Instead, try this more self-aware option: âI am not making time to become a doctor.â Then, use the above âwhyâ exercise to prioritize and examine where being a doctor fits into your list and how important it is to you. If itâs at the top of your list, then you may feel differently about setting aside two hours every night to study for the MCAT. 3. Avoid Over-Planning Whatever you do, donât make a timeline of all your dreams with âtwo yearsâ or â10 monthsâ next to each item on your list. Trying to calculate exactly how much time youâll need to achieve your goals will drive you crazy! Undoubtedly, life will get in the way, and being open to its serendipity- instead of micromanaging- will make you much happier in the long run. In lieu of over-planning, come up with one tangible next step for each item on your dream bucket list. For example, if you want to move to China within the next year, replace a list item entitled âMove to China: 12 monthsâ with your next step. That might involve sending emails to each of the contacts you have in China or setting up a meeting with your boss to discuss openings in the Shanghai office. These practical steps will get you going in the right direction, without making you feel overwhelmed by a specific timeline. When you find yourself struggling to do everything, pull out your dream list and reaffirm yourself and those ideas. Check in with your priorities, and if theyâre the same as they were the last time you wrote them out, then remind yourself that these are still very important to you and you will achieve them in due time. Revisit your ânext steps,â and see if the list needs updating. As long as you continue to hold yourself accountable for your dreams, youâll stay in control.
Monday, November 18, 2019
3 Networking No-Nos for Finance Consultants
3 Networking No-Nos for Finance Consultants 3 Networking No-Nos for Finance Consultants Finance consultants depend on a robust network of professional contacts to help them consistently find accounting and finance jobs. When you make a career out of project-based employment, constant networking becomes one of the most effective ways to boost long-term prospects. Your relationships with industry professionals can open doors to opportunities where you least expect them. It's easy to fall into traps while attempting to network, however. Doing it right requires a certain amount of dedication and perseverance. Here are three mistakes consultants should avoid when building their networks: 1. Not committing to the process Networking tools are everywhere, but these days it seems like most of them exist online. LinkedIn, Twitter and other resources have made it possible for like-minded people to connect with ease. However, be careful not to spread yourself too thin on these platforms. Even something as simple as maintaining a LinkedIn account requires commitment. Your profile may give you access to a list of connections, but it won't automatically present job opportunities to you. You have to maintain an active web presence before your profile actually generates interest from hiring managers. It's also important to think critically about where you dedicate your networking efforts online. The internet gives you no shortage of options to choose from, but that doesn't mean you have to sign up for all of them. Be honest with yourself about how much time you can realistically dedicate to an online resource before signing up. Another way to maximize your efforts when networking is to focus on the tools that offer the most value. 2. Pushing too hard Networking as a finance consultant doesn't always have to be about landing a job. In fact, it shouldnât be. If you reach out to contacts only when you need help, you'll weaken your ties. Consider the way hiring managers approach the process. A Robert Half Management Resources survey revealed that while 60 percent of chief financial officers network with the purpose of growing their own businesses, a good 20 percent also appreciate networking for the ability to keep up with industry news and trends. Don't go overboard in pushing your services and qualifications, and generously share news and expertise with your contacts. This way, when the time comes someone needs your services, you'll likely be at the top of the list. 3. Being impatient Building a strong network takes time. Don't expect to have opportunities jump at you immediately, and keep in touch with your contacts, even if nothing imminent is on the horizon to discuss. That way, you will have colleagues to turn to when you need a hand in the future. Consultants can't afford to take the networking process lightly. Building a career out of offering your skills and expertise on a project basis depends on a firsthand understanding of the industry. It's much easier to gain this level of insight when youâve built meaningful relationships with other leaders in your field. Want more insights on how to further your financial consulting career? Subscribe to our newsletter! SUBSCRIBE NOW
Sunday, November 17, 2019
15 Dream Jobs That Will Make You Want to Wake up Every Morning
15 Dream Jobs That Will Make You Want to Wake up Every Morning 15 Dream Jobs That Will Make You Want to Wake up Every Morning 1. Waterslide Tester Remember the feeling you had on the Christmas morning as a kid? You couldnât wait to get out of bed to check your presents. Now imagine having this feeling every morning. âThatâs not possible, not even on weekends,â you say? People who work in these 15 dream jobs love to go to work every day. There are even some rumours that many of them donât want to leave work at all. Which one of these 15 dream jobs would make YOU want to get up in the morning? 1. Waterslide Tester What you need to start: Surprisingly enough - you need a certificate from a company dealing in water slides. Moreover, you should possess traits such as being calm under pressure, reliable, and trustworthy. But who isnât, eh? General description: This may be the single most enviable position youâll ever hold. Waterslide testers check to see if water slides are both fun and safe. You can work as a water slide tester for a hotel chain or a large travel company, and you spend most of your time on the road (in the air), travelling from hotel to hotel. When you arrive, you put on your swimming outfit and head for the slide. You are expected to observe everything about it! How much water it uses, how quickly you move, and how fun is it as a whole. Donât forget to bring your business cards with you to the pool to calm down any bewildered parents. 2. Aurora Chaser What you need to start: No aurora chasing experience is necessary. You must be good with people, as this job involves being a guide to tourists from all around the world. Knowledge of the night sky is essential. On some nights when youâll be waiting for aurora to appear, you can entertain clients by showing them constellations in the sky. Having a driving licence is also a huge advantage. General description: Youâll be stationed in in the north of Scandinavia from late October to late March. Your week will consist of 3 nights of aurora-chasing and two days of daytime work when youâll be taking people snowmobiling and sledge riding. Youâll be a guide to your clients from the moment they get off the plane until they leave. 3. Video-Game Tester What you need to start: For a simple testing job, you only need a basic high school diploma and sometimes a writing sample. Still, the more demanding video-gaming jobs require that you have some level of education in computer science or game design. General description: This job entails testing new games and offering proposals as for what improvements could be made to a game. Often you would also have to do research on the competition in order to help develop an outstanding game. Another perk is that in this job would be allowed to play new games before anyone else. 4. Spy What you need to start: There is only one proper kind of a spy and thatâs Her Majestyâs spy! This is why you donât want to be wasting time with the CIA or FSB. MI5 and MI6 are the only worthy options. First, you need to be a British citizen. Second, you have to get an Upper Second university degree in any field; preferably in Politics, Law, History, Geography, or Economics. Third, you need to undergo both the recruitment and vetting processes, which make take a while. General description: To become a spy, a.k.a. an Intelligence Office, you need to be good at keeping secrets and telling lies. As an MI5, your job would be to protect the United Kingdom against threats from within. If you end up being an MI6 agent, your task will be gathering intelligence from outside the country and protecting it against international threats. 5. Commercial Diver What you need to start: According to experienced divers, you need to be mechanically well-rounded, have s strong common sense and develop decisiveness without arrogance. You also need a high school diploma, pass a physical, and good swimming skills. It also helps if youâre less than 35 years of age. General description: Commercial diving involves a wonderfully wide spectrum of activities. If something can be done above water, at some point it will need to happen underwater. This includes support for everything from nuclear power plants to bridge inspection or repairing wastewater facilities. Commercial diving has its ups and downs but itâs definitely a job that will always remain varied and exciting. 6. Volcanologist What you need to start: Youâll need to have a degree in Geology, Earth Sciences, Chemistry, or Geography. In theory, itâs possible to become a volcanologist even if you only have an undergraduate degree in one of these. Still, having a PhD is a HUGE advantage. General description: Your activity will be three-fold. First, you will be conducting university research. This can also involve teaching or cooperation with governments in hazard reduction. As a volcanologist, youâll have to travel the world while studying all kinds of volcanoes - active, dormant, even extinct ones. Whatâs there not to love? 7. Stunt Person What you need to start: Requirements vary depending on the country. In any case, you will need a wide range of skills first; this includes fighting, falling, riding and driving, water skills, miscellaneous sport, etc. Then youâll need to get some non-stunt experience in front of the camera on a professional production. Training can take anything from three to 10 years. General description: This is a highly coveted, highly addictive career, and jobs can be hard to come by due to the surprisingly high number of people willing to fling themselves into mortal danger. You will be expected to jump, fall, drive, crash, hurdle yourself out of windows, get beaten up, beat others up, or ride horses. In the end, youâll become a hidden hero of cinema, as its the stars who reap the glory. 8. Astronomer What you need to start: Youâll need to get a postgraduate degree either in Astronomy or Physics. Whatever you end up studying, you need to do very well in it. Astronomy is a competitive and challenging field and one has to excel in order to succeed. In the end, however, itâs well worth the effort. Make astronomy your passion. General description: As opposed to every other job on this list, an astronomy job will make you want to get up in the evening. Work can vary broadly, including looking through telescopes from all around the world, using computers to model theories, doing research, talking to other astronomers, educating the public, analysing data, making observations from the sea, and so forth. 9. Bounty Hunter What you need to start: First, you need to be a US or Philippine citizen, as nowadays bounty hunting only remains legal in these two countries. Second, you will have to complete a training program. Many are available across the United States at private academies. Then youâll have to obtain a licensure, as some states require bounty hunters to be licensed. Finally, youâll need a gun permit, provided you plan on carrying a gun. General description: Who wouldnât like to follow in the footsteps of Boba Fett? Bounty hunting is a centuries-old, honoured tradition, where grizzled bastards set out to capture other, possibly even more grizzled bastards, armed only with their wits, guts, and whatever trusted weaponry they can carry. This is the closest you can get to an action movie hero. What is it? Are you saying only a complete nut can like this job? Oh well, youâre probably right. 10. Astronaut What you need to start: At least a Bachelorâs degree in engineering, mathematics, biological science, or physical science. An advanced degree is desirable. Then youâll need at least 1000 hours pilot-in-command time in jet aircraft. Having flight test experience is even better. Pass a NASA space physical. Finally, no need to apply if your eyesightâs not perfect or youâre not between 62 and 75 inches tall. General description: Mission specialist astronauts work with the commander and the pilot and have responsibility for the following: systems, crew activity planning, consumable usage, and experiment/payload operations. They can also perform extravehicular activities, or spacewalks, which is incredibly cool. Also, if you ever become one, itâll be difficult to tell if youâre really waking up in the morning. Imagine being on the International Space Station! âMorningâ means something very different up there. 11. Luxury Honeymoon Tester What you need to start: First, youâll have to convince your significant other to take the job with you. Also, youâll need a knack for writing, as youâll be expected to write about your experiences a few times a week. Other than that, itâs mostly about luck. General description: âAll play and no work make Jack aâ¦?â No, donât worry, its actually a tonne of work. Donât forget these positions are offered as part of huge marketing stunts. Youâll be expected to fuel this marketing campaign with your content. Still, itâs a fantastic job to have. After all, itâs hard to complain about having to write about you sipping champagne in some of the best holiday resorts in the world. 12. Detective What you need to start: To be a detective, you need extensive police experience, academy training, and in many cases, a college degree. Detectives are usually chosen from existing police officers and are often required to serve at least three years before being considered for promotion. They need to be physically and mentally fit. Military training is an advantage. Requirements differ depending on the country. General description: For criminal investigators (detectives), collecting evidence, interrogating suspects and reconstructing crimes is all in a dayâs work. Your responsibilities will vary, depending on the type of crimes you will decide to investigate. A day in work of a cyber crime investigator is very different from that of a detective who deals with drug enforcement. 13. Private Island Caretaker What you need to start: Itâs quite common for island owners to hire caretakers to look after their island when the owners are not there. Necessary qualifications include general carpentry and construction, basic plumbing, problem-solving, gardening skills, first aid, no criminal past, a hobby. And there are many others, depending on the individual island. General description: This job is a dream come true for those who love natural beauty, the sun, andâ¦solitude. Your job would be to make sure your island is ship-shape when the owners arrive for their holidays, make any necessary repairs, and clean up after stormy weather. Once you have your duties fulfilled, you can begin enjoying fishing, the sun, and swimming in the ocean. 14. Brewmaster What you need to start: One way to get into brewing is to work your way up from the bottom by flipping kegs for minimum wage. Another is to spend several thousand bucks for a brewmaster course and THEN start flipping kegs for minimum wage. In Europe, however, the former option is your only way to go. General description: This is one of the most interesting jobs in the world, especially for those who love drinking beer. Although the job is not all about drinking, the roles of a brew master vary. Some of the roles of these professionals are to develop concepts, testing beer and running the business. As such, the job involves some level of drinking. 15. National Geographic Photographer What you need to start: National Geographic photographers have college degrees in a variety of disciplines. Most didnât major in photography, but all of them took photo courses. The most common majors have been journalism, psychology, anthropology, and sociology. You need to have at least 5 years of experience with photojournalism or with specialisations such as underwater or aerial photography. In the end, it comes down to how would you fit with the NG team. General description: People think that photography is amazing, glorious, romantic, and all you have to do is travel around the world and take pretty pictures. No! Photography is more than a simple job - itâs a lifestyle. You need to be entirely committed to it, as itâs hard work and extremely competitive. But in the end, itâs worth it as youll have one of the most fulfilling and creative jobs out there. Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments!
Saturday, November 16, 2019
3 Super Easy Ways to Make Your Co-workers Dayand Boost Your Own Karma in the Process
3 Super Easy Ways to Make Your Co-workers Dayâ"and Boost Your Own Karma in the Process 3 Super Easy Ways to Make Your Co-workers Day- and Boost Your Own Karma in the Process Few things make us enjoy our jobs more than working with people we like. Co-workers who, despite having piles of work on their plates, will occasionally turn away from their screens and talk to us about our weekend plans, the latest episode of our favorite TV shows, or even our roommate frustrations. Itâs hard to imagine how we would survive a day without seeing a few friendly faces scattered around the office. So, how can you show appreciation for the people who often literally make your day better just by smiling in your direction? Answer: Random acts of kindness. I know, itâs easier said than done. In todayâs workplace, where itâs common for employees to spend the entire eight (and by eight, I mean nine to 10) hours crossing off to-do after to-do at their desks, itâs difficult to spare a few moments to just express gratitude. But these people are well worth that time. Thatâs why weâve come up with three extremely quick and easy ways (think: no more than five minutes each) you can send some love to your co-workers. We guarantee that these acts of kindness will make everyone involved (even you!) feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 1. Post an Encouraging Sticky Note on Someoneâs Desk You know that sticky notes can push you ahead in your career: They help you reach your goals, they get others to do what you want, and they even serve as inspiration. So why canât sticky notes also motivate and encourage your co-workers? Think about the people you work with. Is anyone working on a particularly stressful assignment that appears to have gotten nowhere in the past week? Who is preparing for a client meeting and is noticeably nervous about it? Grab a Post-it note, and write a short message explaining why you believe in him or her so strongly. You can make it cheesy, funny, or just straight-up easy by using one of these motivational quotes. 2. Send a âGood Jobâ Email Out to the Team Surprise, surprise: You arenât the only one who craves positive feedback about a recent success- no matter how small. You can very easily make someoneâs day by sending a short email to your team celebrating a co-workerâs recent wins. Did someone recently close a deal, add a feature to your company site, reach a quarterly goal, or simply kick butt presenting at your weekly meeting? If so, use the next five minutes to write a quick email. You can talk about what it is that wowed you, as well as why you admire the achievement. Avoid more than two sentences of praise, though, because then you just sound like a suck-up- making a sweet moment feel weird for everyone. Bonus points if you can find the perfect GIF to sum up how proud you feel. 3. Tweet Words of Kindness A few months ago, there was a campaign called #RTOK, or âRandom Tweets of Kindness.â The campaign encouraged people to send each other words of thanks, encouragement, or admiration. Unaware of the campaign, I received several tweets that day and was pleasantly surprised. Why not, then, extend these heartwarming 140-character messages beyond the #RTOK campaigns and send them whenever? There can never be too much positivity on the internet. (Seriously, though, it could use some positivity.) While giving specific colleagues shout-outs might be unprofessional on LinkedIn or Facebook, itâs perfectly normal on Twitter. Start crafting uplifting messages for those co-workers who are active on the platform. Some examples: âIâm very thankful for [insert awesome person] for always [insert reason theyâre awesome]!â or âCanât believe you [insert amazing accomplishment], [insert amazing person]- your hard work paid off!â Quick reminder: Donât send random tweets of kindness to your favorite colleagues every day, because your messages will appear less genuine each time. Thereâs only so many times you can virtually exclaim âgreat job!â without sounding fake, or worse, like a crazed fan. Have other ideas for sending your co-workers some love? Let me know on Twitter! Photo of sticky notes courtesy of Shutterstock.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Develop and develop confidence If you dont use it, youll lose it
Develop and develop confidence If you donât use it, youâll lose it Develop and develop confidence If you donât use it, youâll lose it Russell Ballard tells the story of a seven-year-old girl who started a tomato plant for a second grade project.She was taught that one tiny seed had the potential to become a tomato, which contained many seeds that could make many tomatoes.In the seven-year-oldâs words, âAnd if all of those seeds were planted and grew more tomatoes, and you planted all of those seeds, in a few seasons you would have millions of tomatoes.âUnfortunately, she almost killed her starter tomato plant. In her youthful immaturity, she left the plant in a dark room for a few days and totally forgot about it.âWhen I remembered the plant, it was all wilted and dead looking. I cried because I thought of all of those millions of tomatoes that would never grow.âShe was devastated, and likely nervous to tell her teacher that she had killed her plant. Her mom told her that the plant might not be dead yet, and that with some proper nourishment - sunlight and water - the plant might revive.The girl put the plant right by the window where it could get tons of sunlight. She regularly gave the plant water. And a âmiracleâ occurred, the plant almost immediately began thriving and growing tomatoes.Nothing is permanentEverything is in a state of movement. Nothing remains in a state of isolation without being changed.Either youâre growing or youâre going backwards.If you donât continually hone your mind and body, you will become foggy and flabby.Human beings, like tomato plants, are organic structures that need constant nourishment. Without a nourishing environment, it doesnât matter how much potential you have. If you are in a dark room for long, you will wilt, and potentially die.No amount of willpower in a dark room will save your life. You need healthy nourishment from the outside world. Gritting your teeth and trying to do it on your own wonât work. You need the right environment and you need the right behavior.In order to even develop powerful characteristics and interna l strength in the first place, you need amazing inputs from your environment. As Zig Ziglar said, âYour input determines your outlook. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future.âHowever, there is never a point at which youâve arrived, and no longer need constant nourishment. Even after youâve developed incredible internal clarity, motivation, education, and strength, if you donât create an environment that supports the growth youâve made, you will lose the growth youâve made.If youâre not continually being challenged to rise to new heights, you will become stagnant and stale as a person. If youâre not growing, youâre going backwards.Alain de Botton once said, âAnyone who isnât embarrassed of who they were last year probably isnât learning enough.âIf youâre still the same person you were 12 months ago, what the heck have you been doing?When was the last time you pushed yourself to exhaustion in a workout?When was the las t time you really learned something? And true learning is far different from acquiring information - learning involves a permanent change in how you see and act in the world. If you didnât change, you didnât learn. As Albert Einstein said, âThe measure of intelligence is the ability to change.âRest and recovery are absolutely essential. But you wonât get the benefits from rest and recovery if youâre not truly pushing and expanding yourself regularly. Your rest will truly be sweet if youâre earning it through a life worth living.Emotions are the key to growthIf youâre not having regular transformational experiences, then youâre not stepping out of your comfort zone enough. Human beings are transformed through emotions, not logic and reason.Emotions are heavily tied to memory, and memory is your record of the past. However, your memory is not fixed and unchanging. Actually, your memory is constantly being changed and reshaped as you 1) face the emotions that will ke ep you stuck, and 2) as you experience new emotions that create new memories. The more intense the emotional experience, the deeper the memory and learning.If you want to experience an insane amount of growth, do something that is emotionally challenging. Do something that is awkward. And most importantly, do something in which you cannot predict the outcome.Tim Ferriss has said, âA personâs success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.âConfidence is being fine taking on challenges and situations in which you cannot predict the outcome. The reason people stay stuck is because they really like to predict how things will go.Not being sure of outcomes freaks people out. Therefore, people live very predictable lives. They donât go too far outside of their comfort zone. They veer far from awkwardness and potential embarrassment. They are caged by their emotions.Want to make powerful change?Do something that requ ires courage and commitment, today. Do something that might fail. This is how you develop and demonstrate confidence.Confidence is organic, like a tomato plant. If you donât use it, youâll lose it. Confidence is like a muscle you must exercise and use, daily, to make stronger. Yet, the nourishment for confidence is both trying and succeeding. Just by trying, even if you fail, youâll have gained confidence because youâll have attempted something in which the outcome was not predictable.Just as confidence is organic and ever-changing, so is your identity.Identity follows choiceYour identity is not fixed. You donât have some personality you were born with that remains the same. Like a garden, your identity is either becoming more polished and refined, or more entangled, confused, and distracted.Your identity does not produce your behavior. Your behavior shapes your identity. You are responsible for who you become. You are the designer of your personality.In the brilliant book , The Cult of Personality Testing: How Personality Tests Are Leading Us to Miseducate Our Children, Mismanage Our Companies, and Misunderstand Ourselves, author Annie Murphy Paul explains, using plenty of hard evidence, how personality tests - our Western obsession - are dooming us to failure.Western thinkers are obsessed with isolated variables and fixed traits. We fail to realize the continually altering context that shapes and re-shapes those traits and variables. There are no permanent traits, but continually changing STATES.Then why do we see such regularity in our behaviors and attitudes? According to Stanford psychologist, Lee Ross, âWe see consistency in everyday life because of the power of the situation.âRoss further posits that ultimately, itâs the situation and not the person, that determines things. âPeople are predictable, thatâs true⦠But theyâre predictable because we see them in situations where their behavior is constrained by that situation and the roles theyâre occupying and the relationships they have with us.âSupply follows demandâI think the ability of the average man could be doubled if it were demanded, if the situation demanded.â - William DurantMost people believe they have a fixed and permanent identity and personality. They overvalue and rely on such things as personality tests.They donât put themselves into situations of high demand that force them to become something fundamentally more and different than they currently are.You can put yourself into a situation - mentally and physically - where the demands are high. This is a very potent cocktail for forward movement.You need both: the internal and external to pull you forward. The internal and external are two indistinguishable parts of the same whole - not separate.Internally, you need a white-hot WHY. As Friedrich Nietzsche wisely said, âHe who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.â Thus, the advice to âlive within your meansâ is a ctually quite terrible advice when taken to its logical conclusion. Rather than living within your means, you need to DECIDE what you need, then let the means come to you. They will come once youâve fully decided what you seek. To quote Rumi, âWhat you seek is seeking you.â Once resolved and committed, âthe universe conspires to make it happenâ as Emerson put it.Externally, you need a situation that has enormous demand. So much demand that the supply comes, both from you and from external factors.When youâre clear on what you want and why, magic happens. Dreams become realities. Faith becomes sure knowledge.Inspiration follows actionBut where does this clarity and purpose come from?Again, here Western culture generally has it backwards. The common belief is that inspiration creates action, when the opposite is more true.Action creates inspiration.Forward progress creates motivation.Bold action reshapes your conscious and subconsious patterns.Action generates the best thi nking, because positive action creates inner confidence - which is the soil for positive thought.Paralysis comes from analysis. As author and performance coach, Tim Grover, said, âDonât think. You already know what you have to do, and you know how to do it. Whatâs stopping you?âYou know enough. The reason youâre mentally blocked, demotivated, and confused is because youâre not acting.Behavior shapes identity.Behavior shapes ideas and motivation.Begin acting well.Create situations that FORCE you to act well. Situations of such extreme DEMAND that trigger both an internal and external SUPPLY to match the demand. When the why is strong, the how develops organically. The most clever and bold strategies come when the demand is high. Necessity is the mother of invention.The WHY becomes strong as you act. You must act. That is where your freedom lies. When you act, the ideas will come. As you continue to act, more ideas will come. The bolder the action, the greater the shatter ing of subconscious patterns - opening the window for better and clearer thinking.Creativity follows creationAs you act, youâll get an inflow of thoughts and ideas. Youâll then need to turn those ideas into tangible creations for the use and benefit of other people.Inspiration doesnât lead to creativity. Creating things leads to inspiration,which then generates a greater desire to create. The quality of your ideas come from the quality of your choices. Every choice generates like offspring of thinking and ideas. Hence, success begets success. Creativity begets even greater creativity.Behavior shapes identity.Behavior shapes ideas.Put yourself in a situation that demands your greatest behavior. Then watch as a seemingly endless supply of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic help aids you.Ready to upgrade?Iâve created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet here!This articl e first appeared on Medium.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
4 Simple Tips to Make New Friends at a New Job - The Muse
4 Simple Tips to Make New Friends at a New Job - The Muse 4 Simple Tips to Make New Friends at a New Job When you start a new job, itâs only natural to assume (or at least, hope) that your teammates will instantly become your best friends. OK, maybe not best friends- but that theyâll become people who you truly like seeing five days a week. Of course, itâs difficult enough just to get established in your new job, without having to worry about making best friends. And with all of the knowledge that youâre trying to digest, making long-lasting connections with your teammates can seem impossible. As someone whoâs had a handful of jobs, I understand this challenge all too well. Itâs why we threw the suggestion out to our users on Facebook to get their best tips. So many came in that we were inspired to compile them all into this very article. 1. Say âHiâ I say hi to everyone. Rachel Simple, yet effective. How many times have you hidden in the corner or under your desk on your first day? Iâve lost count, too. So, even though it might seem awkward, say hello to everyone on your team to start the day. Most people you meet will understand what youâre going through- and theyâll appreciate that youâre making an effort. 2. Ask for Help Dad jokes. No, but seriously- I was able to make friends by asking for help... Milap Do you like when new employees act like they know it all? Yeah, me either. Asking for help is not only useful for all the obvious reasons, but itâs a simple (and effective) way to break the ice. And if you go into those conversations with a little vulnerability, itâll be hard for conversation to not eventually turn to how youâre doing in the new role, and where you were before, and all the basic chit-chat that helps people get to know you better. 3. Feed Your New Teammates A box of donuts or cupcakes is always a good ice breaker, or a candy dish on your desk will inspire interaction. Bill In one of my favorite episodes of my favorite TV shows, one of the extras brings snacks to work to share and earns a funny nickname: Food Guy. Muse readers think this is a great way to make friends at work in real life, too. In fact, three people told us about times they tried it- and all of them told us that it worked really well. 4. Just Be Nice Be nice to everyone. I donât care if youâve been hired as CEO or queen of the universe- a humble, positive and cordial attitude goes a long way. Kimberly Hereâs the thing- some tips look great on paper, but are way harder to apply to real life than they seem. But hereâs one that shouldnât be so tough: Just be nice to everyone. Everyone around the office has been in your shoes at some point. Theyâre probably way more empathetic to your plight than you realize. Thatâs why when one reader responded by saying âbe nice,â we couldnât think of a better approach to making friends at work. Making friends in any context is never easy. And itâs even more challenging when youâre not showing up to a bar, but rather to a job, in which your primary responsibility is to do your job. But a few simple tricks could help you make a few new friends that much faster.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Top 10 Employee Benefit FAQs for Working People
Top 10 Employee Benefit FAQs for Working People Top 10 Employee Benefit FAQs for Working People Employee benefits can be a complicated subject for any working person, even if youâve enrolled in them several times over the years. The reason for this is because the health insurance and employee benefits markets are continually changing. Each year, new requirements pop up, open enrollment dates are shortened, and the choice of group plans gets harder to decipher. Itâs for these reasons that weâve compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions that working people have about their employee benefits. What are the general types of group employee benefits I may be eligible for? The types of employee benefits that are available for working people are virtually limitless, but most employers are required to provide the minimum coverage under the Affordable Care Act. This generally includes health insurance, prescription coverage, and dental benefits for minors. All other group benefits are offered by employers who want to encourage well-being for their workers, so they are worth looking into. These can be standard benefits such as vision care, health savings accounts, flexible savings arrangements, life insurance, short term and long term disability insurance, retirement savings plans, profit sharing, and more. There are also a large number of voluntary benefit plans that employees can pay for, but at greatly reduced group rates, including vehicle and home owners insurance, cancer care, hospital indemnity plans, supplemental life insurance, stock buying options, and others. Lastly, many of the benefits that employees enjoy are paid for in full by employers, and may include paid time off (vacation, sick, and personal), corporate wellness programs and wearable fitness trackers, onsite perks like daycare and free meals, company sponsored events, training and development programs, tuition reimbursement, and more. Learn about the minimum required employee benefits here Why do I need to enroll in employee benefits when I am healthy? It can seem like common sense that if one is healthy, then why buy health insurance? But, this is similar in thinking, if I am a safe driver, why buy auto insurance? First off, under the ACA, consumers must purchase health insurance or participate in a health cost sharing program, or they will face tax penalties. Secondly, having health insurance enables consumers to access preventative health care services that catch problems before they become serious health threats. At the very least, consumers need health insurance benefits to cover them in the case of a catastrophic illness or accident which can easily bankrupt anyone with one serious surgery or hospitalization. The peace of mind and income protection are reasons enough to enroll in benefits. How can I know what kind of employee benefits I need? This is an individual question, based on your unique needs and lifestyle. Each person is responsible for his or her own well-being, with the exception of minor children who need their parents to provide for them. To best answer this question for yourself, determine what health services you are likely to participate in the coming year. You can look back to the past, your health history, your age related concerns for screenings you may need, and any current medical care you receive. You will be looking at other factors too, such as what your budget allows in terms of monthly premiums and out of pocket costs. Do you have any special health goals to reach this year? You may want to choose a plan that includes access to discounts for weight loss support, fitness benefits, or programs to stop smoking. Then there are the legal requirements. Youâll need a health care plan that meets ACA minimum requirements. Read more about choosing the right benefits for your needs here What if I just need health care coverage for my dependents? It is generally recommended that if your company offers group health benefits, then you can maximize your savings by enrolling in a family coverage plan. However, based upon your family size, your income, and the ages of your children â" you may be able to obtain low cost health insurance benefits just for them. Some states have generous income allowances for working parents who need public health assistance for children. When can I enroll in my employee benefits at work? You should first check with your human resource representative to learn about what employee benefits are available to employees, and if you are eligible to enroll in a plan. Each organization may have rules around wait periods until new employees are eligible or until the next open enrollment period begins. This may or may not have been explained to you when you were first hired, or the information may be included in your companyâs employee handbook. In either case, your employer will probably start notifying employees when the annual benefits enrollment period begins and ends, so pay attention for these alerts. These may come sometime around the end of the fiscal year for your company (late summer) or near the very end of the year in preparation for the next plan year (November to December). If I get new benefits, do I have to switch health care providers? This is a common worry among working people, because they are generally associated with a favorite physician or hospital group. The good news is that most insurance companies work with large networks of healthcare providers in every state and region. Therefore, the health care plan that enabled you to visit a certain doctor or hospital may end, but your new coverage will allow you to continue that same care. A good way to find out before you enroll in a specific plan is to visit the administratorâs website and do a quick look-up for your health care providers. You can also call your provider directly and ask if they accept the insurance plans that you are being offered at work. In most cases, they will accept your new insurance with no problems at all. Can I make changes to my employee benefit selections â" if so, how? Yes, it is possible to make changes to your benefits. There are three ways that a health insurance member can make changes. The first is during a job change and being offered new coverage. Generally, you will have a certain number of days after your eligibility period to make changes to your benefits and enroll in a new plan. This can vary by employer, but may be within the first 30 to 90 days on the job. The second time you can make changes to a benefit plan is during the open enrollment period at your place of employment. The open enrollment period is usually announced by the company once or twice a year, during which time all eligible employees may enroll or re-enroll in their group benefits for the upcoming plan year. Employees can also make changes to their benefits, such as adding or deleting a dependent, upgrading to a plan with a lower deductible, adding supplemental benefits, or switching plans all together with. The third time you can make changes to your benefit plan is when you or your spouse experiences a qualifying life event. A qualifying life event may include a loss of benefits due to a job change or termination, the birth of death of a dependent, the adoption of a child, a divorce or marriage, becoming a US citizen, and moving to a new state that doesnât offer your current plan. There are other extenuating circumstances that allow for a change in benefits, so be sure to check with your human resource department for more information. If my employer doesnât offer the benefits I need, where can I get help? Although employers with 50 or more employees must provide access to affordable health benefits under ACA requirements, this doesnât mean that the plans offered will be enough. If you find yourself in this predicament, there are some actions you can take. First, schedule a meeting with the benefits administrator at your workplace and talk about your needs. There is a good chance that the company can put you in touch with a voluntary benefits provider that may have some of the options you need to fill in gaps. Or you may be eligible to shop for a plan of your own choice and take advantage of a defined contribution option, which is where your employer provides you with a capped dollar amount to pay for benefit premiums each year. Second, you can check with the state marketplace exchange (if your state participates) and shop for health insurance plans here. Submit this information to your employer for reimbursement. Depending on your income and family size, you may also be able to get government subsidies to help pay for your health insurance premiums. Or you may be eligible for public health benefits, such as Medicaid. Lastly, you can participate in a health cost sharing program or discount wellness program where you can pay a flat rate per month and get services at the lowest rates. There are also low cost voluntary benefits available at group rates, for things like dental and vision care, prescriptions, and more. This can lessen the impact on your budget. If I work less than full time, can I still get benefits through an employer? A growing number of employers have recognized that part time employees also need access to health care. Depending on your companyâs policy on this, you may be eligible for group health benefits if you work less that the standard 40 hours per week. Check with your human resource department to find out more. Consider that companies often offer many perks for all employees that part timers can take advantage of â" such as paid time off, sick time, flexible scheduling, onsite services, bonuses, wellness programs, free meals and beverages, and professional development benefits. You can also read up about benefits for part time and temporary employees here How can I choose between benefits my employer offers vs. marketplace benefits? When shopping around for health insurance coverage, itâs important to carefully weigh the pros and cons of the plans offered by your employer and those available through other channels â" such as the state marketplace. Most experts advise to see what plans are offering and the rates through the health insurance marketplace before open enrollment periods, which can arm consumers with more information. In most cases, the group benefit plans will be three-tier, meaning you will be able to choose the deductible and out of pocket maximums that your budget will allow, along with the plan deductibles and coverage limits for yourself and dependents. Here are some good guidelines. Choose the plan that offers the greatest amount of coverage, with the lowest annual deductible, and the lowest monthly premium that you have to pay. Keep in mind that if you buy your health insurance through the marketplace, you are doing so with earnings that have been taxed. If you buy your group health insurance plan through your employer, the deductions are taken pre-tax, which means your share is actually a bit smaller.
Monday, November 11, 2019
React Js Resume Options
React Js Resume Options React Js Resume Options Only App component should be exported. If you're trying to work with remote data, you're likely to get to quickly start looking into additional frameworks like Flux to hold up your app. React is meant to help developers build huge applications using data that changes over time. Flow shares the exact issues and the developer tools are much less fantastic as TypeScript's. Ok, I Think I Understand React Js Resume, Now Tell Me About React Js Resume! As soon as you have your resume design set up, after that it is possible to make adjustments in the form of deletions or maybe additions according to any specific necessity. Quite simply, the application doesn't need to have a performance hit to gain from runtime type checking. Created documentation for several of the components that is included in React-Bootstrap page. You have the ability to choose the template that's suited to your preference together with requirements. Resumes ma y be organized in several ways. Consider the Resume Dojo HTML resume template if you're searching for a personal site design that has lots of characteristics to display not simply your abilities and education but your hobbies and awards also. Have a look at the free Ultimate Guide to the fantastic Resume for everything you have to know, including templates! The Secret to React Js Resume If you're seeking work, an on-line job application enables you to readily emphasize your abilities and experience in a way that you attract the interest of your employer. In addition, if you want showing off what excellent vocabulary abilities or terminology you've got, restrain yourself whether you're drafting your work application. There's an assortment of benefits of working with the effortless job application formats. Once your resume is prepared to go, you aren't desire to be certain to receive it in front of as much employers as you can. Writing a thriving paper incorporates many neces sary factors no matter the sort of academic work you wish to finish. You understand that making an awesome first impression is vital. There are many tactics to make your private site. What's for several is that we finally have lots of resumes to look for over every other kind of online site may offer. The History of React Js Resume Refuted It's possible for you to drop in one widget, or code your whole app. Hope you enjoyed the quick tutorial. The suggested way to write React web apps is by making use of a language named JSX. Without the most suitable code, it is going to be tough for the site to operate or be optimized. Getting the Best React Js Resume Resumes ought to be constantly improved, custom-made and edited in an effort to coincide with the prerequisites of the task seeker. Lead with the job which you desire. Submit similar continue for each job. Seeking the perfect job can be challenging, but polishing your resume doesn't have to be. The capacity to edit your work application from any place in Earth is an impressive asset you're ready to utilize to work with you acquire that upcoming congrats. You are likely to be judged whether you're fantastic for the work dependent on the typical of your job application thus the importance for its brilliance. The previous thing which you would like to do is usually get a job which you can't do. The ideal way to discover a job is via the net. The Key to Successful React Js Resume Making updates and changes as well as monitoring functionality of the website is going to be your main responsibility. Additionally, there are strategies to add users, add photos, etc. if you provide some data, but it's up to instagram whether they wish to permit the public to achieve that. If there aren't any changes, then it's fine to return precisely the same state. Before taking reference from the internet test resumes, think on what kind of job application test formatting will fit the nee ds you've got. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About React Js Resume Is Wrong React templates are the best method to promote your works throughout the world wide web. Finally, React permits you to create new features in your present app, without needing to rewrite previously written codes. For an actual engineer, there is not any considerable difference in which framework to select, as it just requires a while to get accustomed to the new one. You will coordinate with the remainder of the team working on various layers of the infrastructure. It simply since there is a better framework, and if there's a better one, why don't you attempt to use it. The framework you opt to pick should align with the requirements of your merchandise or assistance. Testimonials from prior clients are a great method to display your references and the contact section comprises a Google Map. Ms. Quick agrees your certifications ought to be listed after your name. Posting resumes may be ve ry tedious and time-consuming. Furthermore, the simple to understand language is an additional merit because each customer can easily relate with the info. The only part they often look at is summary a quick gist of the absolute most important truth about the work applicant. In some cases what you'll need isn't a resume format at all. Actually in case you write wonderfully and have an excellent understanding of the company, you won't proceed far in the occasion you give a poorly created resume.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Key Pieces of How to Upload Resume on Linkedin
Key Pieces of How to Upload Resume on Linkedin Your writer will make a perfect resume for you which will help you get more job interviews. It's critical to make sure your LinkedIn profile highlights your abilities and experience. LinkedIn has hundreds of professional groups which might be relevant to the skills you presently have or wish to gain. LinkedIn is among the most effective career tools for your job search apart from your resume. The Honest to Goodness Truth on How to Upload Resume on Linkedin It's important to maintain a cover letter on the shorter side so that it gets read. Once you have received that interview call, you will want to get ready for it. You should conduct comprehensive research into the topic of insurance and make a cover letter that is likely to make your resume stand besides the rest. New Ideas Into How to Upload Resume on Linkedin Never Before Revealed All you will need is a Gmail email address and a small amount of know how. All you need to do is include a hyperlink or upload a file from your PC. Even when you aren't sending people to your LinkedIn page, it's likely to be among the initial results for everyone who Googles you to learn about your professional qualifications and experience. Who knows, you could even need to start using texting to reach prospective candidates. A professional resume is among the most significant tools in your job search and in addition it attracts the interest of an employer who would like to assure himself that he is truly getting the appropriate person based on the demands of their open position. The resume writer will craft the essential approach for those employers you want to target. Remember, however, this to attain the ideal result in your job seeking efforts, it's highly recommended to commit some time in tailoring your resume to every particular position you're applying for. Never post your salary expectations on the internet or say you expect a specific amount. Recruiter s will usually have Pro accounts. Employers would like to know that you're reachable at any moment, not just when you're at home. They want to see a demo of the expertise of their new potential employees. They are constantly looking for new, talented and experienced candidates from time to time. Locate the latest update of job openings of the main multinational businesses, private sector and government sector on the other side of the nation. Job listings usually utilize specific descriptions and keywords to spell out the job and their perfect candidate. Job seekers should incorporate an assortment of recommendations with their profile to demonstrate that others respect the standard of their work. They should be able to fill out the online applications that your company uses on the same phones and tablets that they are browsing social listings on. LinkedIn offers users several ways to create an impressive profile. LinkedIn makes it simple to attach with people that you know by importing your contact lists from sites like Gmail. Your LinkedIn profile makes it possible to expand on the info. In addition, it can increase your visibility online and help you build your professional brand. Type of How to Upload Resume on Linkedin There are a couple dozen different resume templates readily available online, but a lot of them suck. Since you may see the best resume format is the one which works for you. You need to be able to click to observe the full resume posted online completely. If this is the case, you might consider ditching the conventional technique of posting job listings online. The great thing is that you may also add resume on LinkedIn. People today make common resume and LinkedIn mistakes all of the time here's the best way to avoid them. Thus, the best power of LinkedIn for business is its great ability to cultivate your brand through word-of-mouth. In the post globalization era businesses try their very best to survive in the industry. LinkedIn is among the simplest and most useful sites to import the data of your professional life and set it in digital as a way to look for professional opportunities. LinkedIn is a valuable social networking source for any little small business advertising efforts. LinkedIn is home to more than 120 million members using the social media platform to do exactly that. LinkedIn makes it simple to locate and follow companies.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Most Incredibly Neglected Solution for Hr Assistant Resume
The Most Incredibly Neglected Solution for Hr Assistant Resume The Downside Risk of Hr Assistant Resume Assistants often need to deal with complaints from customer or employee difficulties, sometimes professional, but in addition sometimes personal issues too. When employees have complaints or suggestions or any issues which should go through the formal communication procedure, HR assistants are responsible for receiving such communications. The BLS reports that HR jobs opportunities ought to be best in the managing of businesses and enterprises. Hr Assistant Resume Ideas So when it is time to develop your own resume, you know it needs to be perfect. Theresume summaryis best whenever you have a great deal of HR experience. The previous step i.e. the most important one provide your prior knowledge in the appropriate post. Each work experience incorporates necessary facts, like the work title and the dates of employment. There is a broad selection of resumes here and one wil l be proper for purpose. So you should compose your resume. This HR Assistant cover letter sample will be helpful for you if you're thinking to begin your career as an HR assistant. If you aren't certain where to get started to your own CV, take a peek at our administrative assistant CV example. Another normal task the HR assistant will want to perform is onboarding aid. While it's true that there's a great deal of administrative work to be done, an HR Assistant does a lot more! The Key to Successful Hr Assistant Resume Don't forget to use as many powerful action verbs as possible. Regardless of the expanding influence of technology on life and work, the human asset proceeds to play a significant part in company and society. The resume structure is one of the most crucial factors appreciated by employers. When don't have any clue about both types, it may lead to a dilemma, and you may falter in the specific first step of job application. The management skills you opt for will depend to some degree on your industry. Your knowledge can fix some large administrative difficulties. The very first step is to choose the form of resume that you want to create, and the way it will incorporate your prior experience, job history and strong points, while reflecting the essentials of the jobs applied for. The 5-Minute Rule for Hr Assistant Resume You'll also support our day-to-day HR pursuits and help out with coordinating HR policies, processes and relevant documents. You have to be a Bahamian and ought to be in a position to start straight away if hired. The Federal Resume can provide you with a prospect for the upcoming possible customer. Assisting staff in finishing the recruitment procedure. Assistants often work without lots of direction, so having the capability to make sound dec isions without supervision is essential. Also make sure you tailor the document to the job that you're attempting to get. If you have the job, your new employer may figure out the hard way which you were dishonest about your experience. Whether you would like to be a team lead or an overall manager, your management resume needs to demonstrate you have the background and expertise to find the job finished. Top Hr Assistant Resume Secrets Picking an incorrect type of resume format will induce task loss. A template can easily spare you a great deal of time. Utilizing Word, you can produce your own web templates for nearly any app, like resumes. You may discover the ideal design template and design your work application meant for the specific job. A management resume should demonstrate that, whether you're a restaurant manager or an operations manager, you comprehend the importance of your position. If you're an assistant manager who's seeking to be a shift manager, then you are going to require a management resume that shows off your value to the company, and a management resume that shows your professional development also. Many HR departments utilize cloud based technology to control their employee records. It is important to be in a position to focus and understand how to prioritize your workflow. Hr Assistant Resume: the Ultimate Convenience! The very first step is straightforwardly to find out your qualifications. For some companies, it's very imperative that you give an overview of your abilities and achievements for them to figure out how you would fit exactly to their objectives. Previous expertise in an international NGO is an extra advantage. The opportunity will stay open till 31. Hr Assistant Resume - What Is It? Don't be scared to reveal your personality in the letter, since it will help employers evaluate how you are going to fit within the business culture. To be able to be considered a very good candidate for a Recruiter posit ion, you must possess excellent communication abilities and the capacity to manage several projects simultaneously. Administrative assistants are frequently the very first point of contact inside an organization.
Friday, November 8, 2019
What the Experts Are Saying About Entry Level Programmer Resume and How It impacts You
What the Experts Are Saying About Entry Level Programmer Resume and How It impacts You Entry Level Programmer Resume Features On the contrary, it should illuminate the most impressive characteristics of your background. The degree of education which you have attained or intend to acquire is another crucial element. You should also have basic soft abilities, including your capacity to work well within a team or your capacity to head massive projects with success. The best way to become noticed by gaming studios is to produce games and set them in a portfolio. The Upside to Entry Level Programmer Resume Don't include what you would like since you wish to have them excited! Bear in mind, your resume shouldn't repeat the data in your resume. So How About Entry Level Programmer Resume? In addition, it works for applicants that are changing careers. Beyond that timeframe, you don't will need to include details unless the positions are related to your existing career. You don't need to incorporate every job you have held, especially in case you have many years of expertise or have worked in unrelated fields. Also view a list of a number of the top rated entry-level positions across industries. Other individuals call for a degree but don't care what degree it's, again so long as you're able to satisfy the other job requirements. Many times, you should adhere to a conventional curriculum vitae. It is possible to also talk with your college's career counselors or start looking into your alumni network to discover alumni which may have the ability to suggest entry-level opportunities. Soft abilities, hard abilities, any skills in any way. Find a business which you mesh with. There are a lot of ways it is possible to present the info about each job. You don't get promoted simply because you've been doing the job for a specific quantity of time. Another part of discovering the most effective entry-level job for you is knowing the form of organizational culture that is suitable for your style. Entry Level Programmer Resume You get promoted depending on the quality of your work and the sum of project responsibility you are able to handle. There are a lot of approaches t o locate a great entry level-job. If you're interested in receiving your resume prepared to go, together with discoverable, the for free choice is an exceptional place to start. Try to remember, that there's no harm if your accomplishments are over by the conclusion of the very first page. For example, your time management abilities or comprehension of particular computer programs can be useful in most any position. 1 The very best example of a software engineer resume is one which receives the interview. If you're searching for a job for a software engineer, you already know that you will need to showcase your abilities and ensure hiring managers realize you keep at the forefront of development in the software engineering market. There are lots of programming jobs readily available, but they have various names based on the nation, state and game company. Computer science pros really like to tinker. Generally speaking, however, a college degree in something linked to computer science helps. To attract attention, you will want to compose a wonderful computer science resume. See the computer science resume template at the peak of this informative article. Instead, he listed only the ones that show he'll deal with his prospective responsibilities easily. I share straightforward solutions to help you introduce a profession you adore. Instead, technical support work can supply a firm foundation for careers in different fields which also involve extensive use of computers. And, nowadays, it's getting more and more important.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Kids, Work and Created Synonym Resume
Kids, Work and Created Synonym Resume Job seekers today should make an application program that's as well thought out as a fantastic lesson program. Hiring managers want to understand an applicant understands that her or his part in the method affects a number of other facets and that the applicant is dependable and accountable. Besides your work performance, a hiring manager would like to make sure you will fit in-and work well-with the other employees in the workplace. Every hiring manager would like to employ a person who will take initiative. When an employer asks you in case you have attention to detail, your answer generally should be yes. Many work in the public service or academia will take a thorough CV to be submitted as a member of a work application. You don't need to sound just like you are bragging, yet you would like to clearly demonstrate you have the jobs skills the employer is searching for. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the substantial cost saving in comparison to traditional hiring methods. There are two resources that it is possible to sell to each business on Earth time and money. The ideal way to land the position you desire is to begin with a well-written and organized resume. You may not be mindful of it, but by utilizing weak words and phrases in your resume, you're sabotaging your own probability of landing an excellent job. If you are able to assign an individual, on a continuing basis, to be accountable for everything happening in their area, it is most likely a clear obj ective place. Sadly, a lengthy career may be a double-edged sword in the current marketplace. The skills section is regarded as the clincher. Why the direction you frame your teaching experience makes a big difference. Make sure you're highlighting the most relevant and topical experience essential for the position. Key Pieces of Created Synonym Resume Appropriate privileges have to be granted to a user before the user may use the synonym. When resolving references to an object, Oracle Database employs a public synonym only in the event the object isn't prefaced by means of a schema and isn't followed by means of a database connection. You are unable to specify a schema for the synonym if you've specified PUBLIC. What to Expect From Created Synonym Resume? At the exact top of your resume, you're going to want to include your name and contact info. You are going to be educated about all the information as soon as the jurisdiction brings from the official note. So, be certain to thorough ly choose which information ought to be emphasized. You also wish to avoid repeating exactly the same info. Therefore, cover letters are occasionally too dense. Long resumes convey the image that you've got a tough time articulating your point. All documents should have the precise identical details. Additional documents might be required dependent on the particular situation. If you've been requested to submit a company resume, you may be registering the uh-oh component. Creative While it's important to get a professional resume, sometimes just a little creativity and innovation is acceptable. Ensure you buy the certificate that is quite suitable! It isn't tricky to generate a record that looks Aadhaar with various numbers. Employing action verbs in your resume is an easy method to dramatically enhance the efficacy of your resume. Resume action words offer a number of advantages. A bulleted list is a wonderful approach to highlight your marketable skills. Resumes may be used for a number of reasons, but most often they're utilised to secure new employment. If you aren't sure which words to use, find keywords in the work description. Only utilize adjectives to describe yourself if you're well prepared to back this up immediately afterwards. While the expression is commonly used in education, it isn't always defined consistently, which may lead to confusion and divergent interpretations. After all, you likely don't hear or see the term frequently.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Top Choices of Path of Building Online
Top Choices of Path of Building Online What Is So Fascinating About Path of Building Online? For instance, you can hover over a more compact building and see that precise height highlighted relative to some other area of the terrain. It's the biggest and many intimidating part of Path of Exile. The newest version of Path of Building is presently unknown. If you're lucky, you could be in a position to salvage material from a neighborhood project. Business apps are starting to turn into a necessity. Tablets provide exactly the same UI as desktops. It's sooo easy to become burnt out with social media. A number of formats are readily available. What You Don't Know About Path of Building Online Be sure to distinguish the operator you could not get through so PATH staff can follow up on the issue. Signals are utilised to direct your trains and avoid railway crashes. The JVM that you're launching is on the lookout for it. If your brand is aligned with the larger brand, and if you apply the larger brand to offer you focus, you'll do better. Many retailers have started experimenting with social media marketing as a means to pull customers. You'd want to promote your businesses website and you want to advertise your cellular app for the exact same explanations. Path of Building Online for Dummies Almost anybody can develop into an architect should they need to. You shouldn't be scared of experimenting. There are a lot of crafting techniques that you may select from. When making your blog, see that you're making the social networking tools simple to find. The information that you gather before you begin will be different by school. In order for virtually any certificate to be validated, each one of the certificates in its chain must be validated. Except that learner information was not a particularly superior title. In conclusion, certificate chain validation is a vital part of PKI and happens behind the scene millions of time every day both i n E-commerce along with internal company PKI operations. If you cannot replicate frequently, you can raise the delta upload limit. When the command is executed, then the last part is to make sure the JVM uses the right cacert file. This information will be able to help you troubleshoot issues with errors that you could encounter when using AWS SMS. Generally, it's not advised to configure your apps to depend on a certain host port because it constraints scheduling. The new results indicate that similar loops might occur in different circumstances. My lack of focus is a consequence of fear. Prior to making any changes, have a good look at your cafeteria to spot what changes you will need to make. Now it's time to assess the effect of the changes. Definitions of Path of Building Online Amazing companies have the capacity to do that. Listen carefully and critically, so you don't just hear what you would like to hear. Take into consideration where you wish to be in five, t en, 20 decades. The specific school and variety of MBA program you attend also have brand associations which can help open doors dependent on the school's reputation. A potent brand can provide you the flexibility to produce changes throughout your career. So, it's useful for MBA students to secure more placement alternatives. The new portfolio method stipulates a licensure choice for professionals with experience beyond five decades. Path of Building Online Let's look at how a command works. From the drop-down menu, choose the building scene layer that you want to explore. For instance, you can measure the distance of an HVAC air duct in a building that was hidden before. The major list is the biggest and most active. What Is So Fascinating About Path of Building Online? Find people that are doing what you feel you would like to do and ask them lots of questions. Its funny how shaking off one lack of focus can result in another, but there's a means to beat it. It's not bad to request help especially when you truly need it. A great deal of individuals are out there who want to see you fall.
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